Blog - Auto No Fault Law

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High Auto Insurance Rates in Michigan and How They’re Set

Everyone is talking about the high auto insurance rates in Michigan. In fact, we pay some of the highest premium prices in the country. What few people know and understand are the factors that go into setting those rates and why. Grand Rapids auto accident attorney and Grand Rapids personal injury attorney, Tom Sinas, explained […]

State of Michigan Auto Insurance Reform Heading into the Fall Legislative Session

Everyone is talking about Michigan auto insurance reform. And to be clear, the topic isn’t going anywhere heading into the upcoming legislative session. In fact, lawmakers and politicians alike have identified no-fault reform as a top-three priority for the fall. The debate is only just heating up. Recently, Michigan auto no-fault attorney, Steve Sinas, discussed some […]

Michigan Auto No-Fault Insurance Reform – A 6 Month Recap

A lot has happened in the Michigan auto no-fault insurance debate since we last wrote about it. For drivers in the state, this debate, and any potential reform to its current laws, affects all of us. As a law firm representing the seriously injured in auto, semi-truck, and motorcycle accidents in the state of Michigan, […]

In A Parking Lot Car Accident? Here’s What You Need To Know

Retail stores and shopping malls are busier than ever this time of year. The barrage of holiday shoppers also brings with it impatient drivers and congested parking lots, which means you have a greater chance of being in a parking lot car accident. In fact, one in five auto accidents happens in a parking lot. According to the National Safety […]

Does No-Fault Insurance Cover Out-Of-State Car Accidents?

Unfortunately, out-of-state car accidents happen all the time, whether it’s due to poor weather conditions, distracted driving or unfamiliarity with the roadway. When you find yourself driving elsewhere besides Michigan, there are several things you should keep in mind about your auto no-fault insurance. Out-Of-State Car Accidents And No-Fault Benefits First and foremost, remember that […]

Scheduled For An Independent Medical Exam? Here’s What To Expect

No-fault insurance companies typically request that persons injured in a Michigan auto accident undergo what is called an independent medical exam (“IME”). The No-Fault Act specifically allows for this independent medical examination after a car crash victim files a claim for Michigan no-fault benefits. The law says that, when the mental or physical condition of […]

ALERT: House Bill 5013 Defeated!

After hours of discussion, House Bill 5013 was defeated in the Michigan House of Representatives by a 63-45 vote on Thursday night, November 2, 2017. If passed, the proposal would have shattered Michigan no-fault insurance as we currently know it. For the past few months, House Bill 5013 has been touted as a way to […]

Michigan No-Fault Reform Must Be Fair And Affordable

The Fair and Affordable No-Fault Reform Package — House Bills 5101-5111 — has been formally introduced in the state Legislature. The measure offers long-lasting Michigan no-fault reform. The Fair and Affordable No-Fault Reform Package is among the most comprehensive Michigan no-fault reform measures to be introduced in the past decade. The package is a clear […]

House Bill 5013: The End Of No-Fault As We Know It

Editor’s Note: House Bill 5013 failed to pass the Michigan House of Representatives on November 2, 2017, by a 45-63 vote. As part of the ongoing no-fault reform efforts in Lansing, House Bill 5013 was introduced in the Michigan Legislature on September 26, 2017. The no-fault reform proposal has primarily been touted as a way […]

Michigan Needs “Fair And Affordable” No-Fault Reform — Not Coverage Caps

News From The Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN) Lansing, MI — A bipartisan group of state lawmakers recently announced a comprehensive no-fault reform package aimed at improving Michigan’s auto insurance system. The legislation, called the “Fair and Affordable No-Fault Reform Package,” will soon be introduced in the state Legislature. “Fair And Affordable” No-Fault Reform Has […]

What Are The Seat Belt Rules For Kids Riding In The Back?

National Child Passenger Safety Week Is September 17-23 We all want our kids to be safe while riding in a car, whether in the front seat or the rear seat. But when it comes to the seat belt rules for kids riding in the back, Michigan law can be somewhat confusing. To make matters worse, […]

Female Drivers, Widows Charged More For Michigan Car Insurance

News From The Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN) Lansing, MI (September 6, 2017) – Female drivers in Michigan — including widows — are being charged higher rates by certain auto insurance companies, even if they have perfect driving records, according to a study conducted by CPAN. The CPAN survey showed that some insurers operating in […]

No-Fault Work Loss Benefit Will Increase October 1, 2017

The maximum work loss benefit payment available to persons injured in a Michigan car accident is changing October 1. According to Bulletin 2017-12-INS, the maximum work loss benefit payment available to an auto accident victim from October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020 is $5,718 per month. This amount is an $89 increase from the […]

Stephen Sinas Talks No-Fault On Lansing-Area Television Program

Lansing auto accident attorney Stephen Sinas discussed the current state of Michigan’s no-fault insurance system on the August 10, 2017, edition of “Open Line,” a live television call-in program. Stephen is a leading authority on Michigan no-fault law. He also serves as legal counsel for the Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN) and teaches a class […]

Sinas Dramis Lawyers Write No-Fault Content For Statewide Publication

As leading authorities on the Michigan no-fault insurance system, the team of Michigan car accident attorneys at the Sinas Dramis Law Firm wrote the content for the most recent edition of Michigan Innovative Health Magazine, which focused on auto no-fault law. Michigan Innovative Health Magazine is a statewide publication that provides information on wellness and […]

Working Class Pays More For Michigan Auto Insurance

News From The Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN) Lansing, MI (August 1, 2017) – Good drivers can face premium hikes of more than $1,200 per year for Michigan’s state-required minimum auto insurance coverage due solely to their level of education, job title and whether they own their home, according to new research commissioned by the […]

Provider Bill & Treatment Records Satisfied No-Fault Notice Requirement

Michigan Supreme Court: PIP claim not barred by statute of limitations In a ruling that is a victory for accident victims and their medical providers, the Michigan Supreme Court has held that an insurer wrongly denied PIP benefits to an injured claimant because the bill and treatment records the medical provider had sent the insurer […]

CPAN: Michigan Should Investigate Auto Insurance Redlining In Detroit

News From The Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN) LANSING – The independent nonprofit journalism organization ProPublica recently published a report examining auto insurance premiums and payouts in California, Illinois, Texas and Missouri. The report finds that insurers charged as much as 30 percent more for premiums in zip codes where most residents were minorities, compared […]

Michigan Dangerous Roads: I-496 & US-127 Accidents In Lansing

Drivers Need More Patience, Less Confusion & Fewer Distractions I-496 and US-127 accidents in Lansing are a common occurrence. Every week, we see or hear about at least one car crash along this three-mile stretch of highway near downtown Lansing. This is one reason why the I-496 and US-127 corridor has been designated a Michigan […]

Potholes On Michigan Roads: Can You Recover For Damage To Your Vehicle?

The snow has melted and warmer temperatures are just around the corner. But the spring thaw, although welcomed, also has a downside — potholes on Michigan roads that can cause damage to your vehicle. When you hit a nasty pothole while driving, the question becomes: can you recover for any damage to your vehicle? Potholes […]

Appeals Court Upholds “Step-Down” Clause, Denies Insurance Benefits To Injured Family Member

The Michigan Court of Appeals has again denied auto insurance coverage to an individual who was injured while a passenger in a vehicle owned and operated by a family member, because the owner-operator’s no-fault policy included a “step-down” clause. The Court’s ruling is yet another setback for innocent family members who, after being injured in a […]

Michigan Automobile Snow Removal Laws: What Must Drivers Do?

If you live in Michigan, wintry weather and snow are a part of life. Not only are residents required to keep their sidewalks and mailboxes free of snow and ice buildup, but drivers are also required to follow Michigan automobile snow removal laws. Do Michigan automobile snow removal laws require brushing off my windshield and […]

Michigan Winter Driving Tips

Driving in wintry conditions can be extremely challenging. Unfortunately, with Michigan winter driving comes car accidents, including roadway slide-offs and unavoidable collisions. Here are some winter driving tips from our Michigan auto accident attorneys, to help keep you safe as you venture out on the roadways. 1. Be sure your vehicle is in proper working […]

Child Passenger Safety: Car Seat Laws In Michigan

Car crashes are a leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 13. In fact, more than 70 percent of child car seats are improperly installed, leaving our youngest passengers with little protection in a Michigan auto accident. Many child passenger deaths and car accident injuries in Michigan can be prevented by the proper […]

Michigan Auto Accidents: Work & Survivors’ Loss Benefits Get Adjustment

The Michigan Department of Insurance has changed the maximum amount of work loss and survivors’ loss benefits that a person injured in a car accident can receive during a 30-day period. Effective October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2020, the maximum work loss benefit and survivors’ loss benefit that’s payable for a one-month period is […]

2015 Nationwide Traffic Deaths Are Highest In Four Years

Traffic deaths across the nation jumped 7.7 percent in 2015 to 35,200 — the highest number of traffic deaths since 2008 and the first increase since 2012, according to a July 1 report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Notably, the NHTSA report also revealed a 13 percent surge in traffic deaths for bicyclists, […]

Motorists: Watch Out For More Cyclists & Pedestrians During Summer

Summer is here … and that means warm Michigan days and nights. It also means more pedestrians and cyclists on the roadways. With that in mind, the Michigan Secretary of State’s Office is reminding motorists — especially teenage drivers — that they need to take extra precaution when encountering vulnerable roadway users, including cyclists, pedestrians […]

Appellate Court Nixes “Innocent Third-Party Rule” In PIP Cases Involving Fraud

The “innocent third-party rule” in Michigan no longer exists in cases of insurance fraud — at least until the state Legislature decides to create such a rule, the Michigan Court of Appeals announced in Bazzi v Sentinel Ins Co (Docket No. 320518). As a result, innocent third parties, including medical providers who treat persons injured […]

Can A Car Keep You Safer By Parallel Parking Itself?

Many drivers dread parallel parking — and, unfortunately, a lot of fender benders happen during the parallel parking process. But vehicles nowadays come with safety features that can help guide drivers into parallel parking spaces. One of these safety features is called “automatic parallel parking.” This technology helps steer a vehicle into a selected parallel parking space. […]

Riding Without A Motorcycle Helmet: What Are The Costs?

The repeal of the Michigan motorcycle helmet law in 2012 is having an impact on the number of crash fatalities, as well as the severity of injuries being treated at hospitals, according to a study. The Michigan State Police reported that 138 motorcyclists were killed in crashes in 2015.  This is the highest number of […]

Crucial Medical Provider Reimbursement Case Heads To Michigan Supreme Court

Can hospitals, doctors and other medical service providers file their own lawsuits against no-fault insurers, seeking reimbursement for services they’ve rendered to persons injured in car crashes? If so, can these treatment providers protect their right to reimbursement by sending written notice to no-fault insurers of their intent to collect payment on their own? By granting leave to appeal […]

When Two Words Collide: Car “Crash” Or Car “Accident”?

Words, and how they’re used, are important. The more we use words or phrases in certain ways, the more we become accustomed to that usage, making it seem “normal.” In cases of collisions involving motor vehicles, the phrase “car accident” or “traffic accident” has typically been used. For decades, we have been wired to use […]

Michigan Motorcycle Deaths Climb 23 Percent In 2015

Deaths on motorcycles in Michigan last year climbed a staggering 23 percent over 2014, according to a new report from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). And across the United States, motorcycle deaths in 2015 surged 10 percent over motorcycle fatalities in 2014. According to data provided by state highway safety offices to the GHSA, […]

No “Direct” Contact Between Vehicles Means No Uninsured Motorist Coverage

An auto insurance company properly denied a claim for uninsured motorist benefits because the claimant’s vehicle and the other vehicle did not come in “direct” contact with each other, the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled. In McJimpson v Auto Club Group Ins Co (May 12, 2016), the claimant suffered injuries after slamming on her […]

Michigan Traffic Accident Deaths Spiked In 2015

On the heels of a downward trend in recent years, Michigan traffic accident deaths jumped 10 percent in 2015 — with a whopping 57 percent spike in fatalities involving bicyclists. In 2015, there were 963 traffic-accident deaths on the state’s roadways, up from 876 in 2014, according to new information released by the Michigan State […]

All Injuries Don’t Have To Be Detailed In Notice Of Auto Accident

The notice that persons who suffer a Michigan car accident injury must give their auto insurer does not have to detail all their injuries, according to the Michigan Court of Appeals. In Dillon v State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins Co, a published decision, the Court of Appeals said it was sufficient that the car accident […]

Turn On The Car Radio … And Turn Up The Danger

We all listen to the car radio while driving. Sometimes we sing along to our favorite tune or take in the news of the day. But a recent study reveals that listening to the radio while driving is a bigger distraction than originally thought, and may lead to more auto accidents.  The study focused on what’s known as the “perceptual […]

Is Snapchat’s “Speed-Capturing” Filter Contributing To Auto Accidents?

On the night of September 10, 2015, 18-year-old Christal McGee was taking friends home in her father’s white Mercedes-Benz C230. While driving, she allegedly opened the Snapchat app on her smart phone so she could use its “speed-capturing” filter to post a photo of her driving at a high rate of speed. As McGee purportedly […]

Insurance Company’s “Helmetless Motorcyclist” Defense Is Rejected

An uninsured motorcyclist who was not wearing a helmet at the time of his fatal accident was not precluded from recovering no-fault insurance benefits, according to the Michigan Court of Appeals. In Estate of Swick v Farm Bureau Ins Co (unpublished opinion, 4/26/2016), Jack Swick was killed when the motorcycle he was driving collided with […]

Some Insurers Are Engaging In “Preferred Provider” Persuasion

Persons who are injured in auto accidents have the right to select their own doctors — insurance company’s cannot dictate “preferred providers.” The Michigan Supreme Court made this “right to choose” clear in Morgan v Citizens Ins Co, 432 Mich 640 (1989), when it said that Michigan’s no-fault law “preserves to the injured person a […]

Quick-Thinking Eyewitness Helps Injured Pedestrian Get $1M Settlement

In November 2011, a 19-year-old pedestrian’s life was changed forever when she was hit by a pickup truck while crossing 15 Mile Road in Clinton Township. The violent impact caused her to sustain life-threatening injuries, including traumatic brain injury and spine fractures, among others. To make matters worse, the pickup-truck driver did not slow down […]

Appellate Court: “Cousin By Marriage” Isn’t A “Relative” For PIP Benefits

A “cousin by marriage” relationship does not satisfy the definition of “relative” in the No-Fault Act, according to the Michigan Court of Appeals. In Lewis v Farmers Ins Exchange, an April 19 published decision, the injured person asserted that she resided with, and was a “cousin by marriage” to, Tamekiah Gordon, who had an auto […]

“Settlement Allocation” Helps Insurers Avoid Paying Medical Bills In Full

When medical providers treat persons injured in auto accidents, they often seek payment for their services from the appropriate no-fault insurer. But lately, some insurers have been trying to limit their payments to medical providers by using a “settlement allocation” strategy. This tactic comes into play when the insurer and the injured person negotiate a settlement. […]

Pedestrian Deaths Are Surging At An Alarming Rate

Remember when your mother told you to be careful crossing the street? This advice rings true now more than ever, in light of a new federal report that says pedestrian deaths are increasing nationwide at a startling rate. According to the Governors Highway Safety Administration (GHSA), nearly 2,400 pedestrians were killed in the United States during the first half of 2015. […]

A Stitch in Time: Supreme Court Softens the One-Year Notice Rule in PIP Cases

There’s nothing that rattles a lawyer’s nerves like an impending statute of limitations deadline. And there aren’t many statutes of limitations that come sooner than one year. It’s no wonder, then, that lawyers who handle no-fault cases frequently find themselves a bit jittery due to the one-year notice rule and/or the one-year back rule. Statutes […]

A New Frontier in the Wild West of ERISA Litigation

Supreme Court weighs in on ERISA plans in personal injury cases It is often said that United States Supreme Court (“SCOTUS”) is the Super Bowl of law. But with all the glamor surrounding SCOTUS, we often forget that the Court also decides technical, arcane legal questions. Sometimes those decisions have a significant impact on the […]

Kalamazoo Shooting Should Give Politicians in Lansing Pause Over Uber’s Request for Corporate Immunity

After the Kalamazoo Shooting, Uber should not receive any special treatment by our legislature Michiganders everywhere are reeling from the news of the horrific Kalamazoo shootings that occurred over the weekend. The scope and brazenness of this tragedy strikes all of us to the core. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their […]

Would D-Insurance Solve Detroit’s Auto Insurance Crisis?

Michigan no-fault attorney Steve Sinas discussed consequences of D-Insurance plan on “Detroit Wants 2 Know.” Mayor Mike Duggan’s D-Insurance plan, an auto insurance system exclusively for Detroit residents, has yet to be approved by the Michigan Legislature (in the form of SB 288). While we have provided an overview of the plan in previous blogs, Steve […]

Recent Pedestrian Accidents Should Give Us Pause

With the recent local pedestrian accidents and hit-and-runs, here are a few tips to keep in mind whether you walk or drive. In the past week, there have unfortunately been a number of local pedestrian accidents in the Mid-Michigan area – a number of them have even been hit-and-run incidents, and some have involved children […]

Medical Providers Need to Be Proactive When Seeking Payment through No-Fault Insurance

The Covenant Medical Center case shows that medical providers treating auto accident survivors under the No-Fault Act must protect their right to reimbursement. Last week, the Court of Appeals decision released its decision in the case of Covenant Medical Center v State Farm. The decision turned out to be a welcomed victory for medical providers who […]

Both Motorists and Insurance Companies Must Be Mindful of Policy Language

A named-driver exclusion resulted in an insurance company’s inability to recoup the damages it paid. In Frankenmuth Ins Co v Poll, the rather straightforward Michigan Court of Appeals opinion originating from a case out of Kent County Circuit Court, plaintiff insurance company attempted to negate the application of named-driver exclusion within an auto no-fault insurance policy, […]

Teen Driver Safety Week

National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 15-21, 2017.  While parents should continually remind their teenagers about safe driving habits, National Teen Driver Safety Week is an excellent opportunity to discuss safe driving practices and ways to limit driving distractions with your teen. Learning how to drive is a rite of passage for teenagers. However, […]

Recent Case Underscores Importance of Language in Insurance Policies

Grimmett shows the importance of adhering to the provisions of your auto insurance policy – failure to do so can result in the denial of benefits. As lawyers at a firm that has represented thousands of Michiganders involved in auto accidents, we know and can appreciate the importance of the language used in auto insurance […]

Bill Proposes to Increase the Weight of Semi-Trucks on the Road

Will HR 3488, the SAFE Trucking Act, make us safer by allowing heavier semi-trucks on the road? How would you feel about having heavier semi-trucks on the road? Would you feel more comfortable if you were told that allowing heavier trucks would mean fewer of them on the road? Would it make a difference knowing […]

Amazon Flex: The Future Of Deliveries?

Amazon Flex hires individuals to deliver goods purchased from its Prime Now program. But what happens if a driver is injured in an auto accident? The Amazon Flex program lets individuals deliver goods that customers order via Amazon’s Prime Now program. According to the company’s website, the Amazon delivery program promises “great pay” ($18-$25/hour), “consistent […]

State Of Michigan: Insurance Sliding Will Not Be Tolerated

“Insurance sliding” shows exactly why discussions about fraud must also include illegal insurance industry practices. Insurance sliding is a deceptive and predatory tactic that’s practiced by insurance agents to the detriment of their clients. According to the State of Michigan’s Department of Insurance and Financial Services, sliding is: “an agent’s failure to fully disclose all […]

First Responders & Michigan No-Fault Law

We’re all deeply moved when a first responder is injured or killed in the line of duty. When tragic events like this happen, we need to remember that first responders injured in auto accidents have the same rights as ordinary citizens. In other words, first responders are entitled to Michigan no-fault benefits. Typically, people think […]

When Bad Drivers Cause Semi-Truck Collisions

Semi-Truck Accident Cases and the “Negligent Entrustment” Doctrine The New York Times published a powerful op-ed piece about death caused by semi-truck accidents. The piece titled, “The Trucks are Killing Us,” described the increase in semi-truck collisions in recent years. According to the article, “The death toll in truck-involved crashes rose 17 percent from 2009 […]

Does a Smart Truck Equal a Safe Truck?

Does the emphasis placed on making semi-trucks connected and more technologically advanced lose focus on the importance of making trucks and truck driving safe for motorists? Fleet Owner recently published an article titled “Path to autonomous trucks will be a smooth road for drivers” – it was an interesting read. It seemed to emphasize the […]

Fraud and the No-Fault System – What about Insurance Companies?

Will no-fault reform efforts include insurance companies that fail to provide benefits for no legitimate reason? The legislative session is slated to begin in a matter of days and we’re expecting that the topic of Michigan no-fault reform is going to one of the topics that are front and center (in addition to efforts to […]

No-Fault Update: Changes to Work Loss Benefits

The maximum monthly work loss benefit will increase as of October 2015. Update: the maximum monthly work loss benefit is now $5,718 (October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020). The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services recently issued a bulletin updating the maximum work loss benefit payment available under the Michigan no-fault law. From […]

Car Hacking: Is there really cause for concern?

The Jeep vehicle hacking incident – and subsequent recall of Fiat Chrysler automobiles – should give us pause. The auto industry, privacy advocates, and the general public were taken by storm when a Wired magazine article was published recounting what many would consider a nightmare situation: having a Jeep (or other motor vehicle) hacked remotely […]

Car Accident or Car Crash? #crashnotaccident movement gaining traction.

Continuous efforts to change the way we talk about auto collisions has led to #crashnotaccident Have you heard about the #crashnotaccident campaign? It involves a concerted effort to shift the terminology used to describe collisions involving motor vehicles, semi-trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians. For the longest time, these incidents have been called – and are […]

Aging Drivers: Is it time to turn over your keys?

Senior drivers in Michigan (and their loved ones) should keep the following in mind when assessing whether it might be time to stop driving. There will come a time where many of us will no longer be able to drive safely due to old age. If we aren’t at that time in our lives already, […]

Driverless Car Testing Campus to Open in Ann Arbor

MCity in Ann Arbor will be the site for automated motor vehicle testing in Michigan On July 20, 2015 the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor will be opening its test site for driverless cars, “MCity,” on its North Campus Research Center. Years in the making, MCity in Ann Arbor is a 32-acre environment containing […]

Self-Driving Trucks: The Future of the Trucking Industry?

Will we see driverless semi-trucks in Michigan? Driverless semi-trucks in Michigan – as truck accident attorneys, the thought sounds both scary and intriguing. Between the ice and snow, our winters are known to bring and the number of aggressive drivers we are known to have, some might say it’s a recipe for disaster. However, having […]

US Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Decision Affects Michigan Auto Law

Today’s same-sex marriage decision extends a number of benefits to gay couples under Michigan no-fault law. As you have probably heard, the United States Supreme Court issued its landmark decision of Obergefell v Hodges this morning, holding that the U.S. Constitution guarantees same-sex couples the right to marry. Obviously, this decision has enormous implications for […]

Grand Rapids personal injury attorney participates in WGVU “Ask the Lawyer” Segment

Tom Sinas, one of our auto accident attorneys in Grand Rapids, answered questions about Michigan no-fault law and bicycle law Tom Sinas, one of our Grand Rapids car accident lawyers, appeared on WGVU’s “Ask the Lawyer” with Shelley Irwin on June 11, 2015 (see the video below). Tom joined local bankruptcy attorney April Hulst of […]

Michigan Supreme Court Affirms Mind-Body Connection

Holding that personal injury claims may also include emotional and psychological damages means is also significant in the Michigan no-fault context. Find out why. With summer almost here, the holidays seem like a long time ago;  but late last December, while most of us were buying presents, the Michigan Supreme Court issued a major decision […]

Adding a Teenage Driver to Your Auto Insurance Policy

In Michigan, adding a teen driver to your auto no-fault policy might not cost you as much as it would in other states A number of costs are associated with having a teenage driver in your household. Once they have their license, they need a vehicle to drive (be it a parent’s vehicle or one […]

D-Insurance Update: A Closer Look at Michigan SB 288 (S-3)

Michigan SB 288 (S-3), in its current form, would provide second-class auto insurance to those who cannot otherwise afford traditional no-fault insurance policies. In an effort to address the problem of excessively high auto insurance rates in Detroit, SB 288 was recently introduced by Senator Virgil Smith. The Senate Insurance Committee recently amended this bill, […]

Is D-Insurance One Step Closer to Becoming Reality?

The Detroit auto insurance plan, “D-Insurance,” was voted out of the Senate Insurance Committee earlier this week Mayor Duggan’s Detroit auto insurance plan, coined “D-Insurance,” may be a step closer to becoming an option for those in the city who face high auto insurance costs. Michigan Senate Bill 288, as passed by the committee, would allow […]

“Lids for Kids” provided 496 Grand Rapids area kids with free bike helmets

This second annual bike helmet event was a great success, thanks to the help and support of our sponsors, partners, and the Grand Rapids community Last Saturday marked our firm’s second annual Lids for Kids bike helmet and safety event, geared towards providing free bike helmets to Grand Rapids kids who might not otherwise have […]

Be Wary of Those Calling for No-Fault “Reform”

Often, those no-fault “reforms” will do more harm than good for those who could benefit from no-fault the most: each and everyone one of us. While another week has gone by without any legislative action on Michigan no-fault reform, specifically SB 248, a version of which is now stalled on the House floor, the issue […]

The Problems with D-Insurance, the Proposed Detroit Auto Insurance Plan

In an effort to combat high auto insurance rates in Detroit, Mayor Mike Duggan has proposed D-Insurance; however, there is much to be concerned about in this plan. In an effort to address the excessively high auto insurance rates that insurers charge Detroiters, the Mayor of Detroit recently issued the “D-Insurance” proposal. This proposal asks […]

Michigan SB 288 proposes a separate auto insurance plan for Detroit

It’s no secret that the cost of auto insurance for those who live in Detroit is astronomically high. It’s also no surprise that many who live in Detroit forgo auto insurance completely – probably in large part to its high cost. As debates continue about the cost of car insurance in Michigan, specifically in light […]

Concerned about SB 248 and No-Fault Reform? Learn how you can contact your representatives.

The no-fault reform debate in Michigan is in its critical juncture – learn how to make your voice heard The debate over Michigan SB 248, legislation that would drastically reform our state’s current auto no-fault insurance system, continues. By now, you have probably heard from a number of interested parties about the best way reform […]

Fact-checking the “Fact Checkers” on Michigan Auto No-Fault Reform

Be sure you can distinguish fact, fiction during SB 248 debate There is so much information to keep up with during this latest no-fault reform debate stemming from Michigan SB 248. As the bill is just one vote away from changing the no-fault system as we know it, it is important that everyone, whether you’ve been involved […]

Are the lawmakers advocating for no-fault reform looking out for the people of Michigan?

Money from the insurance industry likely to blame for fast-tracking SB 248 Ross Jones, an investigative reporter from WXYZ in Detroit, published a telling article a couple of days ago regarding the Michigan insurance industry and some of our state’s legislators as it relates to SB 248, the latest no-fault reform bill. We have covered […]

An Update on Michigan SB 248: Will the House Pass this No-Fault Reform Bill?

Michigan SB 248, which would “reform” the no-fault insurance system, will likely be debated and voted on in the House this week. Update, 4/30/15: We have launched a new page dedicated to the current no-fault reform efforts surrounding SB 248. We will keep that page updated as the bill progresses. Quite a bit has happened […]

Dr. Andary provides video testimony of experiences with No-Fault System

Dr. Andary spoke with CPAN General Counsel Steve Sinas about his unique experiences with the Michigan no-fault system and how it should be preserved. Hundreds of individuals converged on Lansing, Michigan over the past few days in opposition to SB 248, which would, as currently written, have devastating consequences on our no-fault insurance system. Auto […]

Sinas Dramis Attorneys Provide Testimony on SB 248

Steve Sinas and Tom Sinas testified before the House Insurance Committee regarding SB 248 The legislative battle surrounding SB 248, the latest attempt to “reform” Michigan no-fault law, continues, and our Michigan no-fault attorneys have continued to educate not only the general public, but our also lawmakers, about the detrimental effects this bill will have. Not only […]

Grand Rapids Auto Attorney Breaks Down SB 248

Tom Sinas, Grand Rapids attorney, gives an overview of what SB 248 provides – and how it hurts Michigan consumers (but not insurance companies) Once again, auto no-fault “reform” is on our minds, ever since the Michigan Senate passed SB 248 in whirlwind fashion late last week. The bill is now being considered by the House, […]

Local Ride Brings Lansing Motorcyclists Together

UAW Local 652 is holding its 15th annual Lansing motorcycle ride, the “Pride Ride” On Friday, May 15, 2015, the UAW Local 652 is hosting its 15th annual Lansing motorcycle ride, the “Pride Ride.”  Held during Michigan’s Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, the goal of the Pride Ride is to promote motorcycle safety and awareness, encouraging […]

Senate Bill 248: The Latest, Dangerous Attempt to “Reform” Michigan Auto No-Fault Law

SB 248 would drastically alter Michigan no-fault law. This is what you need to know. After barely 72 hours of consideration, the Michigan Senate, on April 16, 2015, passed SB 248, which, if enacted, will dramatically alter the Michigan auto no-fault system. This Bill would: (1) significantly reduce reimbursements to medical providers; (2) substantially limit […]

Lansing auto attorney briefs media on Michigan SB 248

Steve Sinas, Lansing attorney and CPAN General Counsel, briefed media outlets on impact of SB 248. As a result of Senate Bill 248, there has been a flurry of action over the past couple of days in the auto no-fault realm, taking place right here in Lansing, Michigan. Our Lansing no-fault lawyers have been keeping […]

Roundabouts may reduce serious personal injury, but not the amount of vehicle damage

A roundabout in Ann Arbor was the scene of 170 crashes in 2014, resulting in quite a bit of property damage – that’s when Michigan mini-tort law may factor in. According to data collected by the Michigan State Police (MSP) regarding accidents taking place at various intersections across the state, a roundabout completed in 2013 was […]

Keynote Speaker at West Michigan Design Week Highlights Future of Prosthetics

Continued improvements in prosthetic limbs will benefit amputees injured in Michigan auto accidents As personal injury lawyers, we want our clients to recover from their injuries and losses to the greatest extent possible, above all else. That’s why we get so excited when we hear about inventions and technological advancements that will improve the lives […]

Michigan Police Now Running License Plates to Detect Uninsured Drivers

In responding to car accidents, law enforcement will now be able to confirm whether or not the drivers involved are insured. Michigan police officers have a new way of detecting uninsured motorists in Michigan, and it could benefit auto accident victims who are injured as a result of the negligence of uninsured drivers. According to […]

MCCA Vehicle Assessment Drops for Upcoming Fiscal Year

While the MCCA assessment as decreased, we should not be distracted from the broader issue – transparency. If you have not heard by now, starting July 1, 2015, the per-vehicle assessment made by the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA) will drop from $186 to $150, a $36 difference. The MCCA determines the amount of the vehicle […]

Driving too fast for road conditions will result in a ticket

Just ask the 60+ motorists and truckers who were cited in the massive I-94 pile up in January Most of us probably remember the massive pile-up that took place on I-94 in January. It all started with a storm coming through the Kalamazoo area. A semi-truck rear-ended a van, which then collided with a passenger […]

Wrong Way Drivers on Mid-Michigan Highways

There have been at least five incidents of wrong-way driving in Lansing since last September. Between 2005 and 2013, there were three. Early this morning, a drunk driver was stopped on I-96 near the Saginaw Highway exit in Delta Township. She was driving westbound in the eastbound lanes, and had been driving in wrong direction […]

Are Stepchildren covered under a Stepparent’s No-Fault Policy?

Stepparents and stepchildren are related by marriage, even after the child’s biological parent dies – as a result, a stepchild is entitled to no-fault coverage Most of us wouldn’t question the familial ties that are created between stepparents and their stepchildren. But, what happens when a child’s biological parent (who remarried) dies? Are the child […]

Effects of Workers’ Compensation “Reform”: Is this the Future of the Michigan Auto No-Fault System?

There are some interesting parallels between the results of recent workers’ compensation reforms and what the future could hold for Michigan Auto No-Fault Law Workers’ compensation was in the news quite a bit last week. NPR, teaming up with ProPublica, conducted an investigation into workers’ compensation systems across the country, delving into how the reforms […]

Pedestrian Deaths on the Rise in Michigan

What might be causing them, and what you need to know to protect yourself in the event you are involved in a pedestrian accident. On Michigan Radio’s website is an interesting, yet alarming, article on the rise of pedestrian deaths, not across the nation, but specifically in Michigan. In fact, while the overall number of […]

Victims of Road Rage Car Accidents Have Legal Rights

Road Rage Accident Victims Are Covered under Michigan No-Fault Law It’s a jungle out there on Grand Rapids roads these days.  Between potholes, ice, and congestion, there are enough irritants to cause road rage in the less patient among us.  So consider the following hypothetical.  You or someone you know is seriously hurt in a […]

The Legislature Amends the Disqualification Provisions in the Michigan No-Fault Act

SB 1140 adds an additional exclusion to coverage under Michigan no-fault law: those who steal or knowingly use a stolen vehicle cannot access no-fault PIP benefits Auto no-fault reform was a hot topic during the Michigan Legislature’s lame-duck session. However, SB 1140 was the only bill the Legislature passed affecting the Michigan No-Fault Act. Pending […]

No One Is Safe from Hit-and-Runs, Including Children

Grand Rapids is no stranger to hit-and-run accidents – find out how you can protect your loved ones should the worst happen Grand Rapids residents have been shocked by news of the recent tragedy involving a four-year-old child who was struck by a hit-and-run driver while sledding. How someone could run over a child, flee the scene, […]

Recent winter weather-related accidents should serve as a cautionary tale

The sheer number of car accidents in Michigan this week should be a reminder to us all that we need to exercise great caution when driving in the winter Throughout this past week, Michigan has been hammered with ice, snow, and dangerously low temperatures. Winter has certainly returned to our state. Unfortunately, with the weather […]

Big Victory for Auto No-Fault Medical Providers

Wyoming Chiropractic v Auto-Owners reaffirms a medical providers’ right to file lawsuits directly against auto insurance companies that fail to pay for services rendered By: George T. Sinas On December 9, 2014, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued an important unanimous, published Opinion which reaffirms the right of medical providers who treat auto accident victims to […]

A Story to Inspire Us All: The Grayling High School Golf Team

The Golf Channel featured a story on the Grayling High School Golf Team’s road to recovery after a great loss. As auto accident attorneys in Michigan, we are fortunate to be able to help individuals and their families through some of the worst situations imaginable. They or a loved one may be struggling to recover […]

Michigan HB 5951: Does it go far enough in regulating Uber?

HB 5951 would impose state-wide regulation of ride-sharing companies such as Uber, but there are questions about whether it’s enough Discussions about Uber have picked up once again, not just because of all of the negative press as of late, but due to House Bill 5951. It was introduced on November 12, 2014, and it’s […]

Does Uber Promote Distracted Driving?

Are the Uber, Lyft and other ride-sharing drivers using those apps working against efforts to limit distracted driving in Michigan? Drive down the streets of Lansing, Grand Rapids, or Kalamazoo these days and you’ll see something that might frighten you. Just the other day, one of our car accident attorneys came to a red light […]

Coordinated And Uncoordinated No-Fault Benefits: Know The Difference

Will your auto insurance company be the first to pay your medical bills if you’re injured in a car accident? Or will your health insurance provider be the first to pay? Before the Michigan no-fault law was established in 1973, if you had medical bills resulting from car accident injuries, you had to sue the […]

Protect Your Family: Beware of the “Step-Down” Auto Insurance Clause

The family “step-down” provision reduces liability coverage to $20,000, regardless of the circumstances. All of us want nothing but the best for our families. Part of taking care of our families means obtaining adequate amounts of auto insurance to protect them from disaster. And there is perhaps no greater disaster than one of us doing […]

Sinas Dramis Attorneys Speak on Cutting-Edge Issues in Michigan Auto Law

Three attorneys presented at last week’s No-Fault Institute in Southfield, Michigan Last week, three lawyers from the Sinas Dramis Law Firm spoke to a group of nearly 200 attorneys about some of the most important current issues in Michigan auto law. On September 29 and 30, the Michigan Association for Justice held the 11th Annual No-Fault […]

Will The MCCA Ratemaking Process Remain Secret?

Lansing no-fault attorney believes Michigan residents have the right to know the MCCA ratemaking determination In September 2014, Lansing auto accident attorney George Sinas, general counsel to the Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN), appeared on WJR’s The Frank Beckmann Show. George was joined by Jay Angoff, a former Missouri Insurance Commissioner who had conducted a study […]

Sinas Dramis Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Reach Settlement in Wrongful Death Claim

Michigan motorcycle accident attorneys reach multi-million dollar settlement after almost nine years                   After a nine year saga, Michigan motorcycle accident attorneys Jim Graves and Joel Finnell were able to reach a favorable resolution to a highway construction zone wrongful death case. In May 2005, our client, a motorcyclist, was riding […]

New Device Could Help Detect Traumatic Brain Injury

Car accident victims and their medical providers would benefit from the early detection of traumatic brain injury More than one million individuals sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) every year. As a firm specializing in representing victims of auto accidents throughout this state, our Michigan car accident attorneys often encounter brain injured clients who, according to the client’s […]

Uber Comes to Lansing, But Be Careful

Lansing car accident attorney Steve Sinas discusses potential insurance concerns While many are excited about the arrival of Uber, the popular ride-sharing service, many in Michigan, including Lansing car accident attorney Steve Sinas, are raising a number of valid concerns about its safety. As we mentioned in a previous blog post, Uber now operates in Grand Rapids, Lansing, […]

Uber “Taxi” Service Expands in Michigan

Grand Rapids car accident attorney Tom Sinas expresses why Uber raises some concern Last week, the tech start-up firm Uber announced a major expansion into Grand Rapids, Lansing, Flint, and Kalamazoo. The company is best known for its technology that connected passengers to taxicab drivers via a smartphone app. But Uber recently upped the stakes when it […]

Changes might be underway for Michigan driver’s education courses

“Nathan’s Law” would add a provision to the Michigan driver’s education that would recognize the increasing importance of being aware of bicycles and motorcycles traveling on Michigan roads. Recently, Sinas Dramis attorney Bryan Waldman was interviewed about the state of bicycle advocacy in Michigan, including the passage of a bill that would add information to the […]

Traveling by car for the Fourth of July holiday?

If so, you’ll be one of over 1 million Michiganders who plan on doing the same The Fourth of July holiday weekend is almost here. It’s the time of year where many of us travel with our loved ones, enjoying the natural beauty our state has to offer and celebrating an important date in our nation’s history. […]

Over 400 Grand Rapids Children Fitted with Free Bike Helmets at “Lids for Kids”

Sinas Dramis Law Firm and BIAMI hosted first annual Grand Rapids Lids for Kids event On June 14, 414 Grand Rapids children celebrated the start of summer with new, free bike helmets, courtesy of the Sinas Dramis Law Firm. The first annual Grand Rapids Lids for Kids event  was sponsored by the Sinas Dramis Law Firm […]

A Year of Great Accomplishments

Lansing auto accident attorney George Sinas received four distinguished awards in the last year It has been quite a year for George Sinas, Lansing auto accident attorney and head of our Auto No-Fault team. Last spring, George was named the 2013 Lawyer of the Year, an award given by the Michigan Lawyers Weekly based on the […]

Time to Rethink Hours of Service Rules for Semi-Truck Drivers?

A Senate Committee voted to suspend the mandatory 34 restart provision in the current Hours of Service Rules By now, many of you know about the tragic semi-truck accident that took place on the New Jersey turnpike involving famous comedian and actor Tracy Morgan. Morgan and two other passengers were critically injured; unfortunately, the crash […]

Sinas Dramis Settles Lansing Semi-Truck Accident Case for $2.5 million

Lansing semi-truck accident attorneys Steve Sinas and George Sinas help a young woman get back on her feet                 Lansing semi-truck accident attorneys Steve Sinas and George Sinas recently settled a case for $2.5 million on behalf of a young woman for injuries she sustained in a Lansing semi-truck accident.  […]

Motorcycle Fatalities down to 2011 Levels Nationwide

The number of Michigan motorcycle fatalities involving those riding without helmets did not follow suit. As the weather continues to warm up, you may have noticed an increase in the number of motorcycles on the road. Coincidentally, the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) recently issued a report containing preliminary data concerning motorcycle traffic fatalities in 2013. The […]

Grand Rapids Bike Helmet Giveaway & Bicycle Safety Event

The Grand Rapids bike helmet event is Saturday, June 10, 2017. Our Lids for Kids bike helmet event is rolling into Grand Rapids on Saturday, June 10, 2017 at Garfield Park.  The Grand Rapids bike helmet event is the final program for 2017, and follows last month’s bike helmet giveaway in Lansing and bike helmet […]

Settling into Grand Rapids, One Day at a Time

Grand Rapids car accident attorneys George Sinas and Tom Sinas continue to grow our firm’s Grand Rapids office You may recall that we opened an office in the heart of Downtown Grand Rapids last summer, in order to better serve our clients in West Michigan, as well as help educate those residents about both the provisions […]

Lansing Attorney George T. Sinas is named the 2014 Champion of Justice

Selected annually, the Michigan Association for Justice’s “Champion of Justice” is chosen for their efforts to preserve and protect the civil justice system. On Saturday, May 10, 2014, George T. Sinas, senior partner at the Sinas Dramis Law Firm, was named the 2014 Champion of Justice, an honor bestowed upon him by the Michigan Association […]

Bike Accidents and Auto No-Fault Reform: A Dangerous Combination

Grand Rapids bicycle fatalities are the highest in Michigan. How does no-fault reform factor in? A series of seemingly unrelated events are combining to form a great danger to Michigan bicyclists, especially those in West Michigan. In April, the Grand Rapids Business Journal reported that Grand Rapids bicycle fatalities were the highest in the state […]

Increasing the Speed Limit for Large Trucks – Smart Move?

Proposed Michigan SB 896 would raise the speed limit for larger trucks and buses to 70 miles per hour on Michigan highways As part of a package of bills seeking to change the speed limits on Michigan roads, SB 896 was introduced late last month. Among other things, Michigan SB 896 purports to increase the speed […]

Proposed HB 4612 (H-3) Limits the Rights of Michigan Motorcyclists

HB 4612 (H-3) would limit the benefits received by motorcyclists under Michigan no-fault law As we have previously posted on this blog, political leaders in Lansing have introduced legislation that seeks to significantly overhaul Michigan’s auto no-fault system. This legislation will have dramatic impacts on the rights of Michigan motorists and the providers that care […]

Are Systems Like Apple CarPlay the Answer to Distracted Driving?

Are Systems Like Apple CarPlay the Answer to Distracted Driving? Recently, Apple announced its latest offering – CarPlay. This is how it works: once an iPhone is plugged in, CarPlay would allow the user to place phone calls, send text messages, check voicemail, navigate, and perform other tasks while limiting the number of distractions that […]

Grand Rapids Auto Accident Attorney Helps Conduct Advocacy Training for Victims of Car Accidents

Grand Rapids auto accident attorney Tom Sinas presented at auto no-fault advocacy workshops in West Michigan Over the past two weeks, Grand Rapids auto accident attorney Tom Sinas has been a featured presenter at workshops in West Michigan designed to help victims of auto accidents tell their stories to the public. The workshops, which were […]

Two Sinas Dramis Lawyers Address Michigan Judges about No-Fault Law

Attorneys George Sinas and Tom Sinas Address Judges about Michigan No-Fault Law Lansing auto accident attorney George Sinas and Grand Rapids auto accident attorney Tom Sinas spoke last week at the 2014 Michigan Supreme Court Judicial Conference. Tom and George were invited to speak on cutting edge topics concerning Michigan’s no-fault law. The conference, which […]

Life Before Michigan’s Auto No-Fault System

Life Before Michigan’s Auto No-Fault System Michigan’s auto no-fault system is back in the news. As the conversations continue about no-fault’s future, it might be helpful to remember how we dealt with car accidents under the previous system. Prior to 1973, individuals injured in a motor vehicle accident were subject to the general “tort” system. […]

Grand Rapids Auto No-Fault Attorney George T. Sinas Participates in Segment on HB 4612 (H-3)

Grand Rapids Auto No-Fault Attorney George T. Sinas gives Radio Interview on HB 4612 (H-3) Last week, Lansing and Grand Rapids auto no-fault attorney and CPAN (Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault) General Counsel George T. Sinas participated in a radio interview on WTCM News Talk 580 AM based in Traverse City. The topic of discussion was the […]

Hit-and-Run Accidents on the Rise in Grand Rapids

Hit-and-Run Accidents on the Rise in Grand Rapids: What you Need to Know The Grand Rapids Press recently reported about a major increase in hit-and-run auto accidents in Grand Rapids. According that article, Grand Rapids had 1,600 hit-and-run auto accidents in 2013 and is on trend to beat that number in 2014, with 440 hit-and-run […]

Who Must Purchase Michigan No-Fault Insurance?

Who Must Purchase Michigan No-Fault Insurance? A bedrock principle of Michigan’s no-fault law is that it establishes a system of mandatory auto insurance.  This insurance requirement is set out in MCL 500.3101(1), which states that any “owner or registrant” of a motor vehicle that is required to be registered in Michigan must purchase Michigan no-fault […]

Grand Rapids Car Accident Attorney Tom Sinas Weighs in on Substitute HB 4612

Grand Rapids Car Accident Attorney Tom Sinas Weighs in on HB 4612 (H-3) “Reforming” Michigan’s current auto no-fault system has been topic of interest for quite some time now. Towards the end of last month, Speaker Jase Bolger proposed a number of changes to Michigan’s existing no-fault insurance system. The current proposal, known as “Substitute […]

Summary Analysis of Substitute HB 4612 (H-3)

SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF HB 4612 (H-3) By:  George T. Sinas CPAN General Counsel Sinas Dramis Law Firm March 7, 2014 On Thursday, February 20, 2014, HB 4612 (H-3) was offered as a substitute to H-1, which has been stalled on the floor of the Michigan House for almost one year.  Like H-1, H-3 imposes unprecedented […]

2013 Traffic Safety Culture Index

2013 Traffic Safety Culture Index: The Results are In Every year, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety releases its annual Traffic Safety Culture Index. The index is a compilation of a series of surveys measuring the opinions of drivers in the United States regarding issues relating to driving safety. Some of the topics included in […]

Potential Liability for Tech Company Uber after Car Accident Kills Girl

This past New Year’s Eve, a young pedestrian in San Francisco, crossing the road with her mother and brother, was struck and killed by a cab driver on his way to pick up customers. It is alleged that the pedestrians were crossing the street legally when the impact occurred. This case is remarkable not only […]

Are Parallel Parking Spaces Designed for Vehicular Travel?

Last month, the Michigan Supreme Court heard oral argument in Yono v Department of Transportation concerning this very issue. Plaintiff had suffered injury while walking back to her car, which was parallel parked along M-22 in Suttons Bay, Michigan.  Plaintiff filed suit against the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), alleging that it had a duty […]

The Highway Exception, Road Defects, and Governmental Immunity

It might be easy to assume that the government would be held liable if you encounter a dangerous road defect while driving (for example), and are injured as a result.  However, in Michigan, the nature of the defect determines whether or not governmental immunity applies. Generally speaking, the government is not liable for design or […]

NHTSA Proposes Upgrade to Car Seat Standards

We have previously blogged about Michigan car seat laws and proposed changes to it. We now have another update, but this time on the federal level. Yesterday, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced that it was proposing upgrades to the federal child car seat standards. Specifically, the administration wants to ensure that children […]

Pre-existing Injuries and No-Fault Coverage

As we all know, car accidents can be life-altering. These collisions can cause new injuries or even make old injuries much worse. Michigan residents are fortunate because our auto no-fault insurance system is designed to cover situations where one might face such instances. In other words, medical treatment for both new injuries as well as […]

Michigan No-Fault PIP Coverage and the Concept of Domicile, Take Two

We’ve previously discussed the general significance of determining an individual’s domicile, or where they reside, for the purpose of establishing Michigan no-fault PIP coverage availability under Michigan’s auto no-fault scheme. However, this analysis also intersects with the family law realm. What happens if a minor whose parents are divorced is injured in a car accident? […]

In Michigan, Vehicle Ownership Determines Your Right to Sue

Do you own a vehicle? Most people would find that to be a pretty straightforward question. However, for the purposes of Michigan’s auto no-fault law, the answer may not always be so simple. Further, the answer may control whether or not you may sue the other driver for pain and suffering (also known as non-economic […]

Entitlement to No-Fault PIP Benefits Might be Trickier than You Think

If you are injured in a car accident in Michigan, in order to receive coverage under our Michigan No-Fault Insurance Act, the injury must “aris[e] out of the ownership, operation, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle as a motor vehicle . . . .” Stated another way, to receive no-fault PIP benefits, the injury must […]

A Cautionary Tale about Auto No-Fault Benefits

Michigan car accident victims and their medical providers should be aware of Guardian Angel Healthcare v Progressive Insurance, a recent Michigan Court of Appeals decision concerning auto no-fault benefits.  In Guardian, the auto accident victim settled his claim for no-fault benefits with his no-fault insurer, Progressive Insurance.  Progressive and the victim then filed a written […]

Determining No-Fault coverage can be complex, as seen in Tienda

A factor in determining who is entitled to auto no-fault coverage is where an insured party is domiciled (where they reside). This no-fault coverage determination can be complicated if it is unclear where the insured resides – whether they are a Michigan resident or a resident of another state.  A recent Michigan Court of Appeals […]

Lansing Attorney George T. Sinas receives the Catalina Andres Humanitarian Award

The Sinas Dramis Law Firm, based in Lansing, MI, is proud to announce that on Friday, December 13, 2013 its President, George T. Sinas, was awarded the Catalina Andres Humanitarian Award for his ongoing and untiring efforts to protect the Michigan Auto No-Fault law.  The award was given by the ACS Foundation at a black […]

Michigan Pedestrians Get No-Fault Benefits If Victims Of Car Accidents

One vital aspect of our Michigan auto no-fault system is that both drivers and pedestrians get no-fault benefits to aid them in their post-car accident care and recovery.  This type of pedestrian no-fault benefit was discussed in a decision by the Michigan Court of Appeals, Wutwut v Farm Bureau. In that case, a 14 year […]

The New Auto No-Fault Reform Bill (HB 4612)

The New Auto No-Fault Reform Bill (HB 4612) Significantly Limits the Rights and Benefits of Catastrophically Injured Michigan Auto Accident Victims By: George T. Sinas On April 23, 2013, the new Auto No-Fault Reform Bill HB 4612 was introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives. The Bill imposes unprecedented dollar cap limitations on medical benefits and […]

Michigan Motorcycle Helmet Law Faces Renewed Opposition

John Barnes of MLive reported recently that the Michigan Motorcycle Helmet law giving motorcyclists a choice regarding whether or not to wear a bike helmet is receiving renewed pressure from opposition groups consisting of medical associations, law enforcement groups, and insurance companies. The law, which went into effect in Michigan on April 13, 2012, permits — […]

Auto Accident Related Deaths for Teens on the Rise

The number of teenage drivers dying in auto accidents is on the rise, according to a new study released this week. Specifically, 240 teen drivers died nationally between January and June of 2012, a jump of more than 19% from the 202 who lost their lives during that same period in 2011, according to the […]

House v Farm Bureau: Court of Appeals Upholds Denial of Ambulance Expense

To state the obvious, being in an auto accident is frightening.  In addition, the post-crash environment can be disorienting, with police and EMTs whizzing about, not to mention the continuing presence of traffic.  In a chaotic environment as such, it’s hard to self-diagnose whether you have an injury.  Some injuries are immediately apparent.  Others are […]

Court Denies MCCA’s Motion to Stay Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit

VICTORY FOR MICHIGAN CONSUMERS! COURT DENIES MCCA’S MOTION TO STAY FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT LAWSUIT At a hearing on February 28, 2013, Ingham County Judge Clinton Canady III delivered a victory for Michigan consumers by refusing to stay the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit the Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN) filed against the Michigan Catastrophic […]

Injuries Related to an Auto Accident are Hard to Predict

The Michigan No-Fault Automobile Insurance Act has been in effect since 1973. It is without a doubt the most expansive system in the nation, providing life-time medical benefits for those injured in auto accidents.  In other words, an accident victim who is injured will, for the rest of his or her life, be able to […]

Proving Insurance Coverage with Cell Phone

NEW PROPOSAL MAY ALLOW MICHIGAN DRIVERS TO PROVE THEIR INSURANCE COVERAGE WITH THEIR CELL PHONE A new proposal in the Michigan Senate would allow Michigan drivers to prove that they have insurance coverage on their vehicle by displaying an electronic proof of insurance certificate on their cell phone, tablet, or other electronic device. Currently, Michigan […]

Kelsey’s Law: Cell Phone Use by Teen Drivers Banned

By James F. Graves Auto accidents are the leading cause of death for teens ages 15 to 19. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, more than 3,000 people were killed in accidents involving a distracted driver in 2010. Surveys of teens show that more than 25% read or send at least one text message […]

Landmark Auto No-Fault Decision Released: MCCA Subject to FOIA

by George T. Sinas, CPAN Legal Counsel As CPAN’s General Counsel, I am pleased to report that on December 26, 2012, the Ingham County Circuit Court issued one of the most significant auto no-fault insurance decisions in years.  In the case of  Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN) and Brain Injury Association of Michigan (BIAMI) v […]

ZCD Transportation v State Farm

Taking Auto No-Fault Down the Wrong Road? The Michigan Court of Appeals’ decision in ZCD Transportation v State Farm may be a sign that Michigan’s auto no-fault insurance system is headed down the wrong road. In this case, the Court of Appeals concluded that the transportation services rendered for an injured person’s personal, non-medical transportation needs […]

George Sinas Argues Important No-Fault Case at the Michigan Supreme Court

On Wednesday, November 14, 2012, George Sinas argued the case of Admire v Auto-Owners Insurance Company, a case that has enormous implications for catastrophically injured motor vehicle accident victims entitled to claim no-fault benefits. Our client, Kenneth Admire, was paralyzed as a result of a 1988 motor vehicle accident. As a result of his paralysis, […]

Hiding the Truth About Auto No-Fault

As the auto no-fault debate rages on in Lansing, HB 4936 heads for the floor of the Michigan House of Representatives for a vote. If it passes there, it will then go over to the Michigan Senate where its fate will ultimately be determined. The major feature of this Bill is that it eliminates the […]

The Auto No-Fault Bill: A Disaster For Michigan’s Economy

The great debate currently taking place in Lansing regarding the future of the Michigan auto no-fault insurance law has primarily focused on the specific legal changes that this law will enact. For example, the elimination of lifetime full medical coverage; the significant limitation of in-home attendant care for homebound patients; the drastic limitation in medical […]

The Auto No-Fault Bill: Just Say “No” to Reduced Health Care Coverage

The battle currently raging over Michigan’s auto no-fault insurance system is really a microcosm of a bigger battle that is being waged on a national level—should citizens allow their politicians to reduce lifetime medical care coverages? We saw this issue surface last summer during the national debt ceiling debate when many politicians refused to approve […]