Traveling by car for the Fourth of July holiday?

If so, you’ll be one of over 1 million Michiganders who plan on doing the same

fourth-of-july-holiday-travel-by-car-michigan-2014The Fourth of July holiday weekend is almost here. It’s the time of year where many of us travel with our loved ones, enjoying the natural beauty our state has to offer and celebrating an important date in our nation’s history.

If you’re traveling by car, you’ll be one of over 1 million Michiganders doing so, according to AAA Michigan.  With this in mind, we’ve come up with a few tips for you to consider to keep you and your family safe in your comings and goings:

  1. Limit distracted driving: With technology these days, it’s easier than ever to stay connected. However, don’t lose sight of the fact that if there’s any time you need to devote your full attention to something, it’s while you’re on the road. Driving conditions can change in an instant. Refraining from cell phone use while driving, whether it be by talking on the phone or texting, may go a long way to keeping you and your family safe while driving.
  2. Don’t drink and drive: This should go without saying, but there are still too many individuals who decide to operate motor vehicles while under the influence, placing not only themselves but other motorists at risk. If you plan on drinking, have a designated driver or make use of alternative transportation. The consequences if you fail to take the proper precautions just aren’t worth it.
  3. Plan your route in advance: As mentioned above, it’s important to keep abreast of changing road conditions – remember, it’s orange barrel season here in Michigan. One way to do this is to look at your route in advance. If you see that you’ll encounter a construction zone, you may want to alter your travel plans to avoid that area. If you cannot, keep in mind that you will have to stay extra vigilant as you travel through those areas, and behave accordingly.
  4. Service your car before traveling: Make sure your car is in proper working order before taking it on the road. Check your car battery, tire pressure, head and brake lights. Consider packing an emergency car kit, including jumper cables (just in case).
  5. Review your auto insurance policy: Finally, remember that motor vehicles required to be registered in this state should be covered under a Michigan no-fault automobile insurance policy. Take time to review your policy, and ask your insurance agent if you have any questions about the coverages you have purchased (or may need to purchase). If you plan on driving out-of-state for the Fourth of July holiday, know that your auto no-fault policy applies should you get into an accident there. If you have any questions about your rights and obligations under Michigan auto no-fault law, consider contacting a Michigan auto no-fault attorney with experience in this area.

These are just a few tips to consider as you plan your travel for Independence Day. We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend!

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