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Auto No-Fault Insurance

Will The MCCA Ratemaking Process Remain Secret?

Lansing no-fault attorney believes Michigan residents have the right to know the MCCA ratemaking determination In September 2014, Lansing auto accident attorney George Sinas, general counsel to the Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault (CPAN), appeared on WJR’s The Frank Beckmann Show. George was joined by Jay Angoff, a former Missouri Insurance Commissioner

Uber “Taxi” Service Expands in Michigan

Grand Rapids car accident attorney Tom Sinas expresses why Uber raises some concern Last week, the tech start-up firm Uber announced a major expansion into Grand Rapids, Lansing, Flint, and Kalamazoo. The company is best known for its technology that connected passengers to taxicab drivers via a smartphone app. But Uber recently

Traveling by car for the Fourth of July holiday?

If so, you’ll be one of over 1 million Michiganders who plan on doing the same The Fourth of July holiday weekend is almost here. It’s the time of year where many of us travel with our loved ones, enjoying the natural beauty our state has to offer and celebrating an important


Bike Accidents and Auto No-Fault Reform: A Dangerous Combination

Grand Rapids bicycle fatalities are the highest in Michigan. How does no-fault reform factor in? A series of seemingly unrelated events are combining to form a great danger to Michigan bicyclists, especially those in West Michigan. In April, the Grand Rapids Business Journal reported that Grand Rapids bicycle fatalities were

Proposed HB 4612 (H-3) Limits the Rights of Michigan Motorcyclists

HB 4612 (H-3) would limit the benefits received by motorcyclists under Michigan no-fault law As we have previously posted on this blog, political leaders in Lansing have introduced legislation that seeks to significantly overhaul Michigan’s auto no-fault system. This legislation will have dramatic impacts on the rights of Michigan motorists

Two Sinas Dramis Lawyers Address Michigan Judges about No-Fault Law

Attorneys George Sinas and Tom Sinas Address Judges about Michigan No-Fault Law Lansing auto accident attorney George Sinas and Grand Rapids auto accident attorney Tom Sinas spoke last week at the 2014 Michigan Supreme Court Judicial Conference. Tom and George were invited to speak on cutting edge topics concerning Michigan’s