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Michigan Auto Law

Two Sinas Dramis Lawyers Address Michigan Judges about No-Fault Law

Attorneys George Sinas and Tom Sinas Address Judges about Michigan No-Fault Law Lansing auto accident attorney George Sinas and Grand Rapids auto accident attorney Tom Sinas spoke last week at the 2014 Michigan Supreme Court Judicial Conference. Tom and George were invited to speak on cutting edge topics concerning Michigan’s

Life Before Michigan’s Auto No-Fault System

Life Before Michigan’s Auto No-Fault System Michigan’s auto no-fault system is back in the news. As the conversations continue about no-fault’s future, it might be helpful to remember how we dealt with car accidents under the previous system. Prior to 1973, individuals injured in a motor vehicle accident were subject

Hit-and-Run Accidents on the Rise in Grand Rapids

Hit-and-Run Accidents on the Rise in Grand Rapids: What you Need to Know The Grand Rapids Press recently reported about a major increase in hit-and-run auto accidents in Grand Rapids. According that article, Grand Rapids had 1,600 hit-and-run auto accidents in 2013 and is on trend to beat that number

Who Must Purchase Michigan No-Fault Insurance?

Who Must Purchase Michigan No-Fault Insurance? A bedrock principle of Michigan’s no-fault law is that it establishes a system of mandatory auto insurance.  This insurance requirement is set out in MCL 500.3101(1), which states that any “owner or registrant” of a motor vehicle that is required to be registered in

Summary Analysis of Substitute HB 4612 (H-3)

SUMMARY ANALYSIS OF HB 4612 (H-3) By:  George T. Sinas CPAN General Counsel Sinas Dramis Law Firm March 7, 2014 On Thursday, February 20, 2014, HB 4612 (H-3) was offered as a substitute to H-1, which has been stalled on the floor of the Michigan House for almost one year. 

Are Parallel Parking Spaces Designed for Vehicular Travel?

Last month, the Michigan Supreme Court heard oral argument in Yono v Department of Transportation concerning this very issue. Plaintiff had suffered injury while walking back to her car, which was parallel parked along M-22 in Suttons Bay, Michigan.  Plaintiff filed suit against the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), alleging

The Highway Exception, Road Defects, and Governmental Immunity

It might be easy to assume that the government would be held liable if you encounter a dangerous road defect while driving (for example), and are injured as a result.  However, in Michigan, the nature of the defect determines whether or not governmental immunity applies. Generally speaking, the government is

NHTSA Proposes Upgrade to Car Seat Standards

We have previously blogged about Michigan car seat laws and proposed changes to it. We now have another update, but this time on the federal level. Yesterday, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced that it was proposing upgrades to the federal child car seat standards. Specifically, the administration